This is one of the 1st games i ever played in my life :)

User Rating: 8.5 | Test Drive (1987) PC
Well... I used to play this game on a CGA 4 colours monitor :D
This was even before the release of the VGA and SVGA graphic cards ...
Well... at this time, when the only available game was PACKMAN, this must have been a revolutionary game, specially that u drive from the driver seat , an option that was totally new :)...
Actually, the cars in this game were amazing :) (porsche 911, corvette, lamborghini contasch, ferrari testarosa)... (( btw, till our days, i dream to ride a Contasch))...
The best moments in this game were when u finish the race. Either with totalling or engine blown or proper finish , u must receive a comment on ur driving method... Sometimes ur tyres are smoking from speed , and other times, ur driving way ressembles to my grandmother's :D )))
I really adored this game :) although for sure later , TD3 was my favorit :) but this one, opened the door for everything :)