It's A World Of Art And Wonder To Explore.

User Rating: 9.8 | Tenchi Souzou SNES
A Non Plus Members Review Of: Terranigma These scores were made before my knowing of that I could submit reviews without a plus members account with the feature of the different attribute ratings.

This is probably going to be one of my most thorough reviews yet, considering how much I appreciate and love this game. Once I started playing it I was hooked right until the end which just made it even better, and so I thought I had to make a review on one of the best games I have ever played. There is so much to talk about this game, And I am no genius at typing or anything so feel free to leave all of you’re comments towards it when I’m done, Whether they are good or bad, Because I will certainly learn from my mistakes. Also I want to try to keep this Review Active because my last ones got deleted I guess cause no one was posting. Well first things first, Here’s how I do it, I have 6 categories for rating this game in: Graphics, Audio, Gameplay, Story, Replay Value, And Overall score which is everything that is positive or negative about this game put into one score from 1 to 10. Graphics:9½/10 I’m giving graphics a 9 and a half because the super Nintendo isn’t really capable of having awesome graphics in the first place. Sure they came out with Star Ocean, And Tales of Phantasia, But considering how much stuff they put into this game it still stands very strong against other competition.The graphics in this game are pretty unique because they aren’t really great but they remain beautiful anyway. This game to me is like an art museum, all of the scenery is wonderful and the whole game will leave a wonderful image in you’re head when you are finished with it. Some people may call it simple, And it is simple, and if making it simple means making it like this, Then it is almost perfect. Audio:10/10 Yes I gave the audio in this game a perfect 10/10 and maybe its just me, but I believe it’s a well deserved 10. This is where the game really is unique, Again it is pretty simple music, But its such a unique simplicity that makes it great. Once I started playing this game the Beginning crysta music was one of my favorite songs in video game music already; I even went online and burnt the soundtrack onto a CD because I liked it so much. And the music just adds to the amazing world of Terranigma, Making it an experience that should be cherished. If someone asked me to describe the audio in this game in 1 word I wouldn’t be able to do it, As it would take a lifetime to finish everything it does for this game. Just get the game and play it and you will see what I mean when I say it’s a 10, What else can I say it’s like a symphony for you’re ears. Gameplay:10/10 Yet Another 10, this time in the Gameplay department. This games gameplay is so addicting and fun it will have you hooked for days, or weeks, or months. Its just everything about it that keeps you playing this game, the controls are really easy to figure out as well. It plays a lot like Soul Blazer which was the first in the series, The combat system remains easy to pick up and doesn’t get annoying at all because it is an action rpg, No more "Hey why can’t I attack you, Ohhhh yeah! Its you’re turn" Because the combat in this game is how it should be in all rpgs. Even though its so easy to go and pick up the controller and start playing doesn’t mean that the game is a piece of cake either, It’s still got loads of challenges and tough parts where you will not be able to pass unless you are experienced enough. Everything in this game just makes it a whole lot better and that’s the exact reason I am giving gameplay a 10/10. Story:10/10 I’m sorry but I just couldn’t give the story in this game anything under a 10, So this review will probably be almost perfect 10’s all around. Ok here’s the thing; Terranigma is like taking all of you’re favorite books and slamming them together into one, Which makes it one Really Good Book! It’s almost impossible to not appreciate the story in this wonderful adventure, Its got everything, Drama, Action, Adventure, Comedy etc. It’s got so much of everything you can think of in the story; it may have too much. I was just about finished the game, sitting there thinking wow this is really great I can’t wait to write my review on this, I’m giving the story a 9! But then when I came to finishing it I was even more impressed by the ending and thought it must have a 10 for everything they put into it. The story in this game is the main thing that leaves you hooked onto it, It will leave questions in you’re mind that may never be answered (as a lot of you already know lol) So to everyone who hasn’t played this game I’ll tell you this: WARNING! THIS GAME CONTAINS CONTENT THAT MAY BE HARMFUL TO A PERSONS MIND. Replay Value:10/10 Due to the addictiveness of this game (as I previously mentioned) This game has a very high replay value, Also because this game will stay in you’re head as one of you’re favorites it also has a high replay value, Everyone who plays this game will want to play it again sometime. I just beat it not even a week ago, and I am starting a new game over again. So I say go ahead and pick it up again, Play it over again, For some challenges try and beat it in a certain time limit, Or with only 1 weapon. Right now I am trying to complete the whole game only using elle’s cape and the cry spear lol. Overall Score:10/10 What can I say a perfect 10, I’m getting tired and have had a long day, So I will get back to playing more Terranigma Hehehe. Yep this game is pretty much perfect and no one should let a classic masterpeice like this slip by them. If you havent already played this game go get it, And if you have then go play it over again. Overall this game really kicks but in every possible way, And that’s pretty much all of it. Writing this review was a really good thing for me, Whether it was a good one or a bad one it still let me show how much I love this game, So please leave comments on what you think.