Paid $20 for this game and it was $15 too much.

User Rating: 4 | Terminator Salvation PS3
I knew the game was stupid before I got it. Even that didn't prepare me for how awful this game was.

Missions are very brief and repetitive.

Graphics are nothing to get excited about.

The cover system is something I would like to see in other games.

Controls are stiff.

I have not tried co-op for this game, and I do not intend to unless the hard difficulty is too hard, but I doubt it will be.

I realize that movie tie-ins are all the rage, but good God. I would be embarrassed to take credit for this abomination.

Am I sorry I purchased it?

Nah. The trophies are really easy and the price I paid will sell for about the same or more on an auction site (where I got this).

Would I recommend it? Hell no, unless you're looking for the easy trophies. Mostly Gold.

Rent it if you must play it, or I'll sell it to you for $25.