Editor's Say - "Unsatisfying" "An easy platinum trophy" Find out what i thought...

User Rating: 5 | Terminator Salvation PS3
Terminator Salvation review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]

The Good:
Game-play can be fun at times - Great original soundtrack from the films - Intro cut scene visuals are very impressive - Terminator loading screen is pretty cool - Easy platinum trophy

The Bad:
To many long loading times - Simple, repetitive combat system - Suffers from technical issues - Suffers from dodgy sound design - Uninspiring cut scenes - Lacks excitement - No re-play value - AI System

*****The Plot*****


The overall concept of the Terminator films is probably one of the best sci-fi stories.
In Terminator Salvation, you play John Conner. The game starts off in the traditional war against the machines (that we know of from the films). Terminator Salvation story revolves around a rescue mission. Through the whole game you are moving from one area to the next fighting Terminator machines in order to reach a distress call you received through your radio. The story is not that engaging nor is it relevant in the Terminator world.

*****The Graphics*****

Overall Design:

Apart from the first intro cut scene and the close up Terminator at the loading screens (which are bloody awesome), the graphics are pretty fair. Textures are dull and characters details are not to impressive. Some of the environment effect are pretty good but overall, the graphics are fair.

*****The Game-Play*****


If you've played Wanted: Weapons of Fate, than you'll now exactly how the game will play (being that both games where made by the same developers). Terminator Salvation's is a very easy game to play and easy to get use to. The cover system allows you to move from one cover object to another with easy (much like Weapons of Fate). There are a variety of weapons in the game, rifles, shotguns, grenades, rocket launchers etc. Your emery start of as Spider Machines, which you much shoot in the back to destroy easily, and Wasps, which are pretty easy to take down with one shoot, but can be tricky because there move and fly around the area. Later on you'll encounter the classic Terminator machines, as well as Bike and Flying Terminator machines. Each machines (except for the Wasps) can take a lot of fire power and can drain your ammunition pretty quickly, which can make the game drown out and boring. You'll find yourself (most of the time) desperately trying to get to another side to flank a Spider Machine, but most of the time they'll be shooting at you rather than your AI teammates (who can be rather useless), which makes it more frustrating than challenging. Terminator Salvation is about distracting your enemies while one other tries to flank or look for a stronger weapon. Relaying on your AL teammates to help you flank an enemy or to give you cover is like relaying on a Parana fish to look after your finger. The AI system both with your teanmates and your enemies are pretty poor. Your teammates cover in stupid spots and give you no help. Enemy Terminator ether stand in one spot or move back and forth in the same pattern. Occasionally you'll see a Terminator standing face to face with one of your AI teammates as they both overload bullets at each other. Your teammates cannot die within combat (except for one part in a later mission, and as story related) so you don't need to look after or worry about reviving any of your teammates. The classic Terminators are very hard to kill because they have no weak spots (except for plasma grenades), which is rightfully so because there Terminators, but without a grenade launcher or a rocket launcher, the fight could go on longer than it should. The game-play overall is decent, but it's nothing exciting or challenging. Terminator Salvation can be play in co-op mode. It doesn't make the game any better, but it gets you away from the poor AI teammate system.

*****The Sound*****

Sound Design:

The sound effect and voice acting as pretty decent, but the soundtrack is the best thing about Terminator Salvation, being that from the films. The sound design can get technically glitchy. Occasional late loading sound effects and wrong voice acting tones i.e. an eco voice tone (as if in a tunnel or empty room) outside in the open? O_o
Other than a few problem, the overall sound design is pretty fair.

*****Life Value*****

Lifespan / Replay Value:

Terminator Salvation will last you about 5 hours tops on easy or normal difficulty. After finishing the game, there are no extra options or modes to unlock (except for level select). Play Terminator Salvation on your first playthrough on hard mode for about 6 to 7 hours tops, and you'll get a platinum trophy, which is probably the easiest platinum trophy in the PlayStation 3 library.
*****Editor's Final Thought*****

What can I say, Terminator Salvation was an ok play through, but had it not been for the platinum trophy, I probably would have not even considered the game. I found the story quite boring and the game-play very repetitive. The voice acting had no sense on emotion. Terminator Salvation is not a game I would recommended, but if your looking for your first platinum trophy (or indeed another to add to your collecting) Terminator Salvation's platinum trophy is by far the easiest. After about 7 hours (maybe 8), and after you've got your platinum, Terminator Salvation is a game you'll probably not play again… well, maybe not any time soon anyway. To me, Terminator Salvation is just a game that came… and now went.


Story - 4/10
Online Multiplayer - N/A
Life Value - 3/10

Presentation - 3/10
Graphics - 5/10
Atmosphere - 5/10
Game-Play - 6/10
Controls - 5/10
Sound Effects - 6/10
Concept - 5/10

Terminator Salvation review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]