Kind of ok on split-screen.

User Rating: 4.5 | Terminator Salvation PS3
Review #5 what can I say about terminator? Um…. Well my girlfriend bought me this game when she was on vacation. I never said I wanted it but got it anyway. I have not beat the game yet so I can't give you the full opinion but I can give you what I think about 3 ½ hours into it. I played about 20 min on one player and right off the bat I seen lots of flaws the main one is the LACK OF MANEUVERABILITY! You can only run and take cover behind half walls and pillars. There is no crouching, rolling, dodging or anything. On split-screen it's a little more fun, but not a lot. There's only like 4 types of enemies who are all very easy to kill even on the harder difficulties. Overall this game is ok for $10-15 if you have a friend to play with if not I would not recommend this title. Oh and its nothing like the movie besides the characters.