User Rating: 1.6 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines XBOX
In short.... to be totaly honest.... this game sucks... I would have just used the word no to discribe it, but at minimum, it has to be 100 words... so instead. I'm going to tell you how I came across this game. I work at blockbuster, which alows me five free rentals a week, this game, was unfortunately one. I thought it would be cool, seeing it was done by sevral companies, but using a free rental on it was still a big mistake. So when I arived home... i played it for a few moments, and the only thing I can say good about it, is atleast it had better graphics the Gods and Generals on the PC (look up the game/review for a laugh). In the end, I used it for a coaster for my coke while I went on to played Jak 2 for the PS2. In the end, I feel like I used my free retal on a coaster that I returned the next day. Now that this review is over 100 words, I will sum this game up with one one........ NO!!!!!!