What Happened?

User Rating: 5 | Tenchu Kurenai PS2
Let me start of by saying what the hell happened. How can they take such a cool game series and make such a horrible part 4? Not only was the game bad but then I find out that they took out the character that I liked the most Tesshu (the only character that looked like a real hardcore Ninja). The graphics were not that great and the stealth kills cut scenes where really bad. The camera controls are very slow and bad. Sometimes you can't even see whats going on cause a tree building ect. are in the way. If a had to say some things good about this game. The story line wasn't that bad (but it's nothing compared to any of the other Tenchu games). The music and the story cut scenes had a very Japanese feel to them (I thought that was pretty cool). If they Decide to make another Tenchu game (which i haven't lost all hope on yet).... Please don't rush it like I'm sure they did on this one.