Even though Tenchu is an aging series, it still revolutionized the stealth-action genre and continues with Fatal Shadows

User Rating: 7.8 | Tenchu Kurenai PS2
Unlike what many peope have said, Tenchu: Fatal Shadows is quite an enjoyable game. Tenchu probably one of the founders of the stealth-action genre along with Metal Gear Solid back on the PS was revolutionary at the time. Though overshadowed by other stealth-action games today, Fatal Shadows still gives that trill of what it's like being a ninja, sneaking around, assasinating people, doing flips off walls, wearing black, all that good stuff. But gameplaywise Fatal Shadows fails by being EXREMELY and I mean EXTREMELY repetetive. Sure the stealth kills do look really cool when you first see them but gets really old really fast when you find out how linear most of the missions are. The AI is also quite stupid. When you're spotted by a guard and quickly dissapear, they seem to forget you were there and go about their business after they get tired of looking for you. Saying "OH snaps a ninja!" one second and then saying "That pot must be really strong" the next demonstrates the stupidity of the A.I.

But overall the game is decent, maybe not something the average person would buy, but if you like being ninja, or interested in the arts of ninjitsu, then by all means pick this game up. You will enjoy it I garuntee it. Just don't try it in real life.