Its is just a series that wont end ...

User Rating: 5.9 | Tenchu Kurenai PS2
Let's start of with the good's side of the game ... it still is increadible they are still making this games after all 4 of the tenchu isntalment's have sucked . It start's sometime where the preveouse game . This game delivers a good sence of stelf that the previouse installment had , but this time it ceems that they deliver it more ... The most cool thing that i found in this game is the addition to pick up bodies ( mgs ) and hide them i tried to hide them in a rock but the game wouldnt let me . { pOOp } !!! A good thing about this game is the story line . But i suggest you grab a soda , get confy on the sofa , and popcorn and wait ... and ... wait and wait ... this game is starting to excactly copying mgs series , it literely takes a single cutscene to finish in about 7:00 minutes ... and the cutscence last in about the time you go to the bathrooom and take a shower . Now the vo's ( voice over's ) are very cheezy ( like cheese ) it is terrible . The graphics are not that well the enviorment's are nicely done , but the . character animations are not well done . This game suffers by a large variety's of thing's that has happened over and over with the series . Mainly there are other better ninja games out there than this one ... i can't recomend this title to anyone and give this title a rent