With a few improvements it would be a good game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Tekken (Platinum) PS
Game Review-Playstation-Tekken

Review 155

Released: November 8, 1995
Publisher: Namco
Game Genre: 3D Fighting
ESRB Rating: T for Teen

Story: 30%
Gameplay: 40%
Graphics: 20%
Durability: 10%

Story (5/10)
It is difficult to be unbiased for this game. It is the console adaptation of an arcade game, so there obviously will not be much of a storyline. There is, however, a short cinematic at the end of the game, which is different for each character.

Gameplay (6/10)
The main problem that I have with the gameplay is its lack of a move list on screen. Tekken makes the gamer look at the booklet or find a move list online.

Another problem is its difficulty. It almost saves itself with an infinite amount of continues, but the sheer impossibility of the later battles will turn most gamers away.

Graphics (6/10)
The cinematics have some decent graphics, but there is a lot of scratchy in-game graphics.

Durability (5/10)

Overall Score (5.6/10)
Rounded Score (5.5/10)