It may have been impressive back in the time, but Tekken is seriously dated now and only worthy for a collection.

User Rating: 4.5 | Tekken (Platinum) PS
Tekken was not only one of the first PlayStation games to be released, but it was also one of the first ever 3D fighting games to be released on the PlayStation. Back then the game was seen as a overall fairly good game, but now it’s seen as nothing but a mediocre, slow, sloppy, low-standard fighting game.

There are a choice of eight selectable characters in Tekken and only two modes; Arcade (1 Player) and 2P Play Mode (2 Players obviously). The main aim of the game is to progress throughout nine stages, fighting a different character in each stage and eventually witnessing the character’s ending of which you are playing as. There’s merely no real excitement or enjoyment in playing Tekken as the characters take a while to respond to you controlling them and it takes a while for your character to stand back up when knocked to the ground etc. The difficulty of the game varies, sometimes you’ll have no problem defeating some opponents and sometimes you’ll become frustrated due to no victory after several looses (The difficulty of which the game is set to determines how challenging the majority of the matches are). Tekken may prove to be fun for a fair amount of time for some of you, but the majority of people will find Tekken’s gameplay frustrating and incredibly boring after fifteen minutes or so.

The graphics are another let-down to the game too. Although they were seen as fairly good graphics at the time of which the game was released (1997), now they’re seen as pretty bad graphics. The characters look like they’ve been made from blocks if you look closely and carefully enough and the surroundings of which you fight in look like nothing more than a concrete floor and a photo placed in the background. The time of the game’s release and development of graphics of that time is taken into consideration, but they could still be improved on. The sound is surprisingly quite good in the game. The Background Music is often catchy and appropriate to both the current environment and mood of the game and the characters have effective screeches and groans.

Value-wise, you’ll become very bored and annoyed with Tekken after a very short period of time. The only thing to accomplish in the game is to beat the game with all eight characters to see their ending movies and that’s basically it. If you are still interested in playing this game then I strongly recommend that you only pay a small amount of money for it (it‘s quite hard to find, but it will be at a very cheap price).

Tekken is a slow, sloppy and unexciting game that offers very little gameplay and value. It is suggested that you stay away from this game unless you are a Tekken fan wanting to experience the beginning of the franchise and own all the games in the series. Otherwise, Tekken is a seriously dated game now, whereas it’s sequels (Tekken 2 and Tekken 3) are much stronger games that still prove to be popular choices for some 3D Fighting action.