I hate to be a downer but... there are many flaws in the game.

User Rating: 2.4 | Tekken (Platinum) PS
I hate to be a downer but... there are many flaws in the game. If you've played the Tekken series then you will obviously see that the series has made very crucial strides from the series debut. Even if you love the Tekken series and not played the first I suggest you don't because of its clunky controls and find-it-out-yourself game. What I mean by find-it-out-yourself game play is it doesn't even come with a move list. Another flaw of the group is that you cannot not leave arcade mode once you enter and the only way to is to either die in arcade or turn of and reset the system and it is the same exact thing with multi player. So if you have played all the Tekken series but the first I suggest not to play it.