Tekken Tag Tournament is an Amazing fighting game were you can switch between two fighters at a time which helps you alo

User Rating: 9 | Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) PS2
Tekken Tag Tournament is an Amazing fighting game were you can switch between two fighters at a time which helps you alot . There are alot of caracters to choose from. My favorite caracter is Eddie a Capoeria Style Fighter who has alot of diffrent moves which are very cool like kicking straight up in the air!!!! There is also Forest Lee who is a kung Fu Master who has a large wepontraw of moves like kung fu kicks and punches. There are many combo moves which really whear your opponents down. Beacuse there is a guide that shows you the combo moves your Caracter has. To Unlock caracters you have to complete Arcade Mode. There is also a tekken bowl mode feature were your caracters can Bowl and earn points!!!!! Tekken Tag Tournament should have Online but it doesnt which sucks but to Bad. Tekken Is a Great Game!!!