Best fighting game I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) PS2
Tekken Tag was one of the first games I got for my PS2 about 5 years ago and it is still one of the games that I still play to this day.

There are only certain games that can get you and your mates in your living room playing PS2 for hours on end. These games are:

Pro Evo
Street Fighter
Soul Calibar

Well in my opinion anyway.

Even to date Tekken Tag is better then its sequels, gameplay wise that is.

With Tekken Tag there are so many characters to suit your fighting styles. My fave characters are:


And there move lists are huge. Trying to perfect Kings grappling combos was a highlight.

Multiplayer wise, this game is best fighting game out there. Playing Kings, winner stays on with your mates till the early hours of the morning is priceless.