Nice, but not the best Tekken game.

User Rating: 7.7 | Tekken 4 PS2
Tekken 4 is a awesome game, but it ain't the best Tekken game. The characters are made poorly, and the healthmeter on the top of the screen is not so beautiful either. But what i hate the most about Tekken 4 are the customs. The customs of the characters are completely changed, it's so different. Tekken 3 is better than Tekken 4, because of the extra's, characters and graphics. The best thing about Tekken 4 are the movies at the end of a Story Battle. They are made beautiful. If you know the Tekken storyline, you know that Tekken 4 is the greatest chapter. The story is so good, that you would forget that Tekken 4 is a game. The new characters are nice to, but they could have been better. The best new character is Steve Fox, because of his Boxing, and the rumor he is Nina's son. The other new characters are: Christie Monteiro and Craig Marduk.

The difficulty is just right, they are not hard to beat, but if you don't play Tekken allot, you may have some issues with it.

The extra's in Tekken 4 are not great, but you will like it. The locations where you can fight arent better than the locations in Tekken 3. The music of Tekken 4 is awesome, but every Tekken game has nice music. Conclusion: Tekken 4 is good, but it ain't better than Tekken 3, the best Tekken game made so far. I'm kinda disappointed, i thought Tekken 4 would be better than Tekken 3. But unfortunately, it isn't.