This is one of the best PS1 games ever to be made

User Rating: 10 | Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
This game if you look back it has great graphics and a great game-play and it's revolutionary it will always be remembered as one of the best PS1 game ever made.It has an interesting story were Jin is first bitten from the dragon and other ending in every character.But still the graphics for this age isn't good ,but back then the graphics were great.So but there still laking the combos in every game are the same that's what i don't like about Tekken.Everyone has the same stuff from every game.This game has a lot of game modes one of them is when you fight with soldiers and kick their ass and or volleyball.I think there is bolling too and highscores.Also there is were you fight with all the characters and the last one is the doctor that is very hard to beat and a lot more there is a theater where you can watch your arcade mode finishing movie and many others i just don't remember.