OMG best fighter ever!!!

User Rating: 10 | Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
This game controlled 3 years of my life! i just had to get all the characters unlocked but I couldn't get the doctor cause i had no idea how to get him, I beat this game with every character but my favorite by far was Hwoarang. I just loved the move where you ran up the enemy's body, jumped off his shoulder and kicked him in the back of the head! I made it a mission to beat everyone with that move.

If you ever find this game in a bin or at a garage sale buy it immediately, you will not be sorry, and if you don't but it, msg me and I will! because I sold my copy a long time ago which was the biggest mistake of my gaming life!

In an overview this is the most solid fighter ever, way more enjoyable than any street fighter game in my opinion (sorry fans of SF even I am buying super street fighter 2 turbo HD remix) its just that in my whole gaming life no other game has put such a big smile on my face for so long. And now that Tekken 6 is coming I gotta find a copy of 3 to hone my old skills so that I can master 6.