I rarely say this about "Arcade" games, but I love this game! Decent story, cool characters, and Jin Kazama.

User Rating: 9.2 | Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
I would rarely have anything positive to say about "Arcade" games, because quite frankly, I suck at most of them... However, I love, absolutely love, Tekken 3, varied fighting styles, cool characters, Jin Kazama, I just wish I could have played as Devil, or Angel, instead of Ogre and True Ogre, Hwoarang and Jin have my personal favorite fighting styles in this game, next would have to be Paul, who doesn't love breaking through your opponents gut with a flaming punch that shatters over half of their Health Bar. The only problem there is with this game, is the fact that you can rarely beat a button masher... My little brothers slaughtered me when they were button mashing, it was sad. I do love this game though, too bad my disc was destroyed. Final verdict 9.2/10