The best fighter you're gonna find on the Playstation.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
This is the 3rd Tekken in the Tekken series and the last one on the Playstation. The game doesn't really change much from the previous one but it just about perfect everything from the last one.

Gameplay, 10. The game is just fighter and I'm going to assume that you know the rules. There are many modes in this game to play. The main one is the Arcade mode. In this mode you just go through several of the characters one by one and you eventually get to fight True Ogre in the final stage. There is a Vs. mode where you and a friend can fight one on one. Next there is the Team Battle mode where you choose 1-8 characters to use and fight either a computer player, or your friend who has the same amount of characters to use. There is also Time Attack where you fight different characters like in the Aracade mode but the goal is to get through them all as fast as you can. You also have to play 2-win games. Next there is the Survival mode where you fight through different characters, each time gaining back some health that you lost, until you eventually lose. There is also a Practice mode where you can learn the moves of a character. None of these modes are new to the Tekken series but there are some new modes. The only one of these that you start with is the Tekken Force mode where you go through 4 stages where fight a bunch of bad guys and at the end of the stage you fight one of the actual characters. There is another mode you can earn, the Volley Ball mode. This mode is pretty different; what you do is that you have to hit the beach ball as hard as you can and if it hits your opponent it hurts them and you do this until one of you wins. You can also play with a friend on this mode. The last new mode is the Theater mode which you also have to earn. With this mode you can watch the ending movies of all the characters you have beaten the Arcade mode with. Something that some people don't know about is that once you have earned this mode you can go into it, take out the Tekken 3 disc and put in either the Tekken 1 or 2 disc and watch all of the ending movies for the characters from those two games whether or not you have beaten the game with any of those characters on those games.
The game just plays perfect. All of the characters have many moves. Each mode is a blast to play and the game doesn't get boring, with it's many modes for you to play.

Graphics, 10. At this time this was pefect graphics for a fighter game. The characters have great detail to them. The places you go to look good. The movies also just look amazing.

Sound, 10. The music is perfect of course. The characters sound great with all their yells and all that good stuff. The only ending movie where the characters have dialogue is Julia's however.

Value, 10. This game will last you forever. Every mode gives the game much value to it since you can do rankings for the Arcade, Time Attack, and Survival modes and it gets even better when you have a friend to play with.

Difficulty, Just Right. With the exception of the Survival mode and possibly the Tekken Force mode you can choose the difficulty levels of the computer players. When you're playing Vs. mode you can give yourselves handicaps in case the game is a little uneven between the two players in skills and you don't want to see a slaughter.

Tilt, 9. The game is an amazing fighter and by far the best one you're ever going to see for the Playstation 1. I liked and anybody who likes fighters will love it.