Like its predacessor, this game doesn't stand to the test of time. But its still a massive improvement over it.

User Rating: 7.8 | Tekken 2 PS
Tekken 2 is the successor to the arcade hit Tekken. While both games fail to stand the test of time. Tekken 2 stands the test of time a lot better than the original Tekken. A Survival, Time Attack, Team Battle mode have all been added. New characters and moves as well. The new moves actually start to show a different between the starter characters and the unlockable characters. The soundtrack is one of the best I've listeneded to, did Namco hire The Beatles to do the music for them? Thats what it sounds like. Anyway. The graphics are outdated but the backgrounds are wonderful. However, this game is slow and still has that stupid floatly jumping thing. This game doesn't stand the test of time, but at least it stands the test better than the original Tekken.