This (to me) is the game that defines the Beat Em Up genre. I'd go as far as to say it's my favourite of all time!

User Rating: 9.1 | Tekken 2 PS
Ahhhhhh I was introduced to this game as a kid, and it's never left me since!

SWEET! Polygons galore in the PS1 classic. For a PS1 sure it wasn't the best (Tekken 3 proved that) but it's the classic game I fell in love with, because of it's fully 3D-ness and also the realistic physics (in MOST cases, not like some jumps lol). The settings are awesome, with a wide selection too.

Button mashing lol. Nah it is actually very structured, with many MANY combos to learn and master. All the game modes are superb and original. My favourite being team battle. The single player mode gets weary once you've unlocked everybody but the multiplayer gives this game infinite replay value. For a game worth about a fiver, it's well worth a look in.

Music is goooooooood! Some nice tunes to fight to, all of which set the scene perfectly. The sound effects are a little over exaggerated, but not os much it ruins the game. The grunts and squeals characters let out are perfect, and at times comical (for example Michelle getting kicked in the face LOL!) but this just adds to the reasons this game is a classic.

As I said above a beginner can pick this up and button mash, but a real gamer will try and learn a characters moves and as a result dominate the game. The PS1 controller is perfect for executing complex moves, although if you could use analogue it'd be a lot easier, as some moves require a lot of D-Pad, and it's very difficult to get it right. But the controls work well, whether simple moves or complex it's all goood on the controller.

Seeing as this game is dirt cheap (and i got it as part of buy one get one free from GAMESTATION (the king)) it's worth a look in for what I class as my favourite Beat Em Up ever.

Summed up in 4 words:
Best fighting game ever