The King in its day. Obviously not what it was, but still genre defining and really quite brilliant.

User Rating: 8.7 | Tekken 2 PS
This was the first 3D beat em up I really got my teeth into back on PSone. I remember playing the demo of it then wanting to get it straight away. It did not dissapoint. This really was genre defining, a remarkable staple in fighting games history.

Great characters, Great environments and great story. It may feel and look dated now. But this was the ultimate in fighting games, revolutionary and unsurpassed until the fantastic sequel Tekken 3. Tekken 5 really took the series to ridiculously awesome new heights that probably won't be beaten until the soon to be unleashed Tekken 6 on PS3... but good lord Tekken 2 was such good fun back in the day.

Fond memories indeed of this game. Fond... :)