Tekken 2 is an amazing fighter

User Rating: 8.5 | Tekken 2 PS
Tekken 2 is the sequal to the less than stellar Tekken. This game is such a huge update over the first Tekken adding new characters, graphics, and levels. The one big thing that I noticed about this games graphics is that they added shadow to the game, and there are more characters than the first time around. This game is in no way Tekken Advance or Tekken 3, but it is still a solid fighter that fighter fans should enjoy. The Tekken series is one of my favorites and this game does not disappoint at all.

Story: 20/25 The Iron Fist Tournament comes back for another round with new fighters!!

Graphics: 13/15 Great or their time and the added shadows are great.

Control: 10/10 I did not have any problems with the first game and these are the same controls, soo they're great.

Sound: 12/10 Not much of a change here from the first game, but really there are not that many voiceovers and sounds in a fighter, but the music is great.

Multiplayer: 15/15 If you can get someone to play then it will be a blast I guarentee it.

Fun Factor: 17/20 This game comes with Tekken 5 so pick it up with that game and you will be in for a nice surprise.

Overall: 85% Great Game