the port is excellent, the additions make Virtua Fighter 2 cry and the game itself is literally complete. Buy this game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Tekken 2 PS
If you liked the first Tekken chances are you'll like this a whole lot more. Namco have gone as far as they can possibly go with Tekken 2. Everything has been improved and the game is almost double the experience than it was in the arcade. With this in mind, Tekken 2 does far more than impress gamers alike because this title is by far one of the best fighters on the system. With almost all the issues featured in Tekken 1 solved and better.

So lets start from the top shall we?

Once again, Tekken has awesome graphics with Tekken 2. The backgrounds are still 2D like the predecessor although the quality of the lighting and character designs prevail over this issue. And just who wants to argue against frame-rates as fast as 60FPS? The animation is incredibly smooth and silky. Move lists have been vastly expanded since the original game and you'll be amazed by how many new moves have been added to the already existing characters, as well as new ones.

Infact Tekken 2 arguably has the best new characters in a game series, with the introductions of new sub bosses, Lei Wulong and Jun Kazama. These new characters blend in very well with the current bunch which is pretty cool. So it goes without saying that the gameplay itself is good. It works the same way as it did with Tekken 1, however the improvements I just mentioned really make the gameplay shine out in this version.

In Tekken 1, we had a potential game, however in Tekken 2, that potential has finally reached. This really does make itself look proud claiming it's a Psone game and it makes some of the best uses of that hardware. In Tekken 2, there is much more replay value. Each character has a CGI ending this time around and in a much higher quality than in the previous game.

There are far more surprises to be discovered as well as unlockables in Tekken 2. Infact aswell as the new (and fantastic) music the old music is available to be listened to gamers on certain stages - almost cutting out the need to buy Tekken 1 completely now. There are very minor issues however. These are in the form of the fact that this game is just an improvement of the current formula, meaning it's likely if you hated the game because of it's button bashing gameplay, you're still likely to hate it now.

Also, it would of been nice if Namco added a music and FMV viewer in the game also - similar to the Japanese version of Tekken 2. But once again, they've not included this. With that aside though, the port is excellent, the additions make Virtua Fighter 2 cry and the game itself is literally complete. The only way Tekken could be made any greater than this if they rewrote the formula completely. Buy this game if you really are still looking for the best thing Playstation has to offer.