Brilliant, for it's time THIS was the BEST fighter out there bar none.

User Rating: 10 | Tekken 2 PS

When Tekken 2 was released the ps2 sales went throug the roof. Tekken 2 brought more charatcers, more moves, move stages and more story then it's previous incarnation. Multi-throws came in for the first time and the character sub bosses from T1 were now fully fledged characters in their own right. The animation was a huge step up from T1 as were the new moves, even backgrounds, while still being 2D wall textures looked significantly better.

Each stage was character specific and had a wide varity to choose from with wide ranging musical scores too. Every character had his/her own ending that brought more to the game. i spent many many hours learning all the characters moves and many nights my mates and i would play this till late/early morning. Sure it looks dated now, but it was the best most revolutionary fighter at it's launch.

Still worth playing just for the memories.