this game's fun and i'll play atleast twice a day but i gotta discuss some things about it

User Rating: 7.6 | Tekken 2 PS
ok this game is pretty damn fun and don't get me wrong it's fun i mean i only played it once at the fun station arcade and i was already the master at tekken 3 and tekken tag tournament but htis game has alot of flaws it slows down i don't know about you people with this game for the ps1 but it slowed down alot for me on the arcade machine i mean yeah i kick ass in it, it's just it seems kind of... uhh... not that fast i mean it's takes like 2 seconds for your guy to get up after a hit but tekken 3 and tag tournament you get up immediatly once you hit X on the controller and 2 the gameplay hard to deal with espeicially on an arcade machine... like i said i don't know this game could be freakin awesome for ps i don't know just that arcade version trips me up so i wouldn't say this game was a waste of 50 cents but it would be an even bigger waste if it were this flawish on the ps so i'm kind of glad i never bought this game and since it's 10 years old now i wouldn't want to play it as much as i wanted too back when i was little in the mid 90's sorry my review was so long next time i'll try to kepp it around 110 words instead like a 1000, so long for now!