Made Me Sad

User Rating: 2 | Gekikame Ninja Den NES
When you think of teenage mutant ninja turtles, you think of arcade side-scrollers. But this one is completly differant. It's impossible to play! It's so teedious and frustrating that you just wanna destroy it. There are some baddies that are impossible to get without using a certain turtle. So if that turtle has died, your screwed! The game play is actually ok. It's hard but you can get some entertainment for a litle while. But that doesn't make up for how crappy the game is. So do yourself a favor, do not buy this game. For any reason. Even if your loved ones are put up for ramsom and have to play this game for them. DO NOT PLAY IT!!! ever....................................... im serious........................don't even think about it...................... please!! don't play it. Its for your own good, do not play it.