Teen Titans game isn't for people who haven't watched it. Or have an imaganation.

User Rating: 4.7 | Teen Titans PS2
Now for some reason I stumbled across this game, and ofcourse when I stumble across a game I'm going to play it. I haven't seen one Teen Titans show so I may not know the whole jest to this game, but it was ridicilous at some points. Lets start with the good shall we.
The music was decent. I think it was from the show so I bet Teen Titan fans everywhere are jumping out of there seats. The story mode is easy, and its fun to play with all five charcters with there own talents. The multiplayer is fun. I like to fight against my friends while playing super heros.
Now the bad news. The game is short. And I mean really short. On Hard I defeated it in 6 hours. A fast game to say the least. I beat the game in one day lets say. The graphics aren't the best, and some times the game stalls and can be very agravating.
The game is a game for the fans, not the new comers.