It could've been better. From TV to game, it really wasn't to bad.

User Rating: 7 | Teen Titans PS2
I'd have to say Teen Titans is my favorite show. And seeing the game released made me really to buy. But the game wasn't eveything I hoped for. Most of the games based on the Teen Titans was quite a disappointment. Teen Titans for GBA was fairly enjoyable, and Teen Titans 2 didn't even improve anything. But I have to say that the Playstation 2 game was only okay.

The game didn't take long to understand. After playing about 1 or 2 games with the computer in the Tournament of Heroes mode, you can just get on with the story and it's easy. The story mode was fun though, I'd have to say. It had a long story and the voices from the TV show provided the voices of our teen characters. The graphics looked a bit cheap. The attacks were cool to look at, but the characters need a little updating. Also, the this game was a little too easy. The only time you need 5 lives is in the hard mode but that's only with bosses. The only real challenge in the game was versing Slade and somewhat Ternion.

I liked how they had a level selection in the game for the story mode. Because no one would want to repeat some of the lame levels. I'd have to say my favorite level was facing against Cinderblock. Also, my favorite character to use was Starfire. Her starbolts were quick and fast, much faster than Cyborg, even if they are slightly the same. My least favorite would have to be Beastboy and Robin, I'd have to say they pretty much have the lamest attacks in the game.

I disliked the Tournament of Heroes mode, it was very boring. Also, as I was playing the game I saw that sometimes, if the character is near a wall and you attack them you push them in, and they don't come back out so then you have to restart the game.Also, they could've had more setting to use in the game. Settings like what Super Smash Brothers for Gamecube had. Also, I'd have to say that the game takes a little to long to load.

The only people that would find this game REALLY enjoyable is little kids. But for teenagers who like Teen Titans and would purchase this game, only very few of the teenage population would find this enjoyable. Everyone else would think it was okay (like I do) or just a waste of good money.

This game was fairly good, but it just needed some of the improvement.