If you want team based online multiplayer in a deathmatch style game, than this is the right game for you.

User Rating: 8.5 | Team Fortress Classic PC
There is no denying it, playing with others is fun, and playing in teams is also fun. In that respect, Team Fortress Classic excels in ways that no other game of its time could even DREAM of doing.

The concept is simple, you have two sides to a map, each with it's own flag, and you have two teams. You try and capture the enemy flag to your own flag. The twist is that there are a multitude of classes to choose from, ranging from the Spy to the Soldier, there is a class fit for everyone. Each class has its own special abilities and weapons that make it unique, and so usually the best team is the one that knows how to use a variety of classes effectively. The ability to voice chat is also a magnificent function, especially for a game as team based as this. Most every included map is very well made, and the team play never gets old. Kind of reminds me of the good old days of Team Fortress on Quake.

As far as looks, each class has its own unique looks, but in the end the game looks like a toned down version of Half-Life, which is fine, since there is generally so much going on. Still, this game is not exceptionally looking, but it does offer variety and vibrant colors, which helps you distinguish one person from the next.

The sounds are wonderful, and considering how many guns you'll hear going off at once, that is a good thing. There is no music I can remember, but it doesn't really matter in a fast-paced team game like this anyway.

Though there is a lack of variety in the modes, with only CTF being the real mode offered here, it is still loads of fun to play, and you will likely find yourself playing this multiplayer game for quite a while after purchase. This is also especially nice for those of you whose PC's cannot handle Team Fortress 2. Enjoy.

Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Value: 10/10

OVERALL: 8.5/10 (8.25/10)