simply amazing

User Rating: 10 | Team Fortress Classic PC
this is one of those games i got cause i bought another. i didnt think it would be very good and i bought the game for half life but i was wrong. this game in my opinion is better than half life. for instance you can choose what you want to be from light weight and stealthy snipers to the big brute heavy weapons guys. this game changed the way i looked at fps games. at first i was only looking for graphics and not gameplay. team fortress classic has the best gameplay ever.the graphics arent like todays but they arent bad either. this also happens to be the only fps im good at other than coded arms. the people online are also very nice. one guy had a server open just so you could learn what you were doing. he helped me learn to snipe and i can get 10 kills before they even see me. if you see this game anywhere shell out the money to get it. it is well worth you time and money.