The KING of LAN parties and online fun - welcome to one of the most important games in gaming history. TFC.

User Rating: 9.5 | Team Fortress Classic PC
The KING of LAN parties and online fun - welcome to one of the most important games in gaming history. TFC.

The only thing stopping me from giving this game a perfect score is the reptitiion. There is only so much to it.

With basically just ONE primary level you'd think the game would get boring, but it just doesnt. One of the reasons was the different classes.

You could be a medic, sniper, big gun guy, etc. and all had to work together, after just a few play throughs people know all the hiding places and cheap camping spots. This is what made the game great....everyone knew you could swim under and climb up the stairs to enter the other fortress....but now it comes down to skill.

Skill dominates this games. Sure you can get some lucky frags, but no game has combined skill and fun like this. You can easily waste your entire night day in and day out over and over and the game just doesnt get old. It's 100% addicting trying to win as a team and also individually rising through the ranks.

I'm not sure what the online community is like these days or if there is even much of one, but I would imagine this game is still better than 99% of FPS that come out even now.