Literally the best game ever.

User Rating: 10 | Team Fortress Classic PC
I can't even imagine anyone coming up with a more in-depth shooter. Sure, games may have more guns, more grenades, more characters, more levels.. But that doesn't matter. No, I'm not a crazy man. Team Fortress Classic is AS GOOD AS IT GETS in the shooter world. There are near-infinite dimensions to this game. Think of it this way, in the online gaming world, people tend to find what's best and stick with it. A good example would be in Counter-Strike, people go around with Mavericks and AK's all the time, because they're the best. In Team Fortress Classic, there's no such things. People play Scout, people play Medic, People play Soldier. Let me take a moment to explain what Team Fortress Classic is, to anyone who hasn't played it. Esseintially, it is an (As I like to call it) "Arcate-Style Capture-The-Flag Shooter", meaning, you can throw three grenades at a guy, shoot him in the face three times with a shotgun, but he may or may not die, depending on his class. That's right, classes in a shooter. Scout, Medic, Soldier, HeavyWeapons Guy (HWGuy), DemoMan, Sniper, Engineer, Spy, Pyro. Not in that order. Let me list the class functions: Scout: Fast, light armored, has concussion grenades (Can be used to fly great distances) and caltrops (To damage and slow down enemies). Also, if he walks into a disguised enemy spy or over an enemis detpack, both are disarmed. Sniper: Sniper Rifle and Auto Rifle, basically like any other sniper, except his sniper rifle has to CHARGE. That's right, it charges up, the longer you hold it, the more damage it does. Spoldier: Heavy, has a rocket launcher which can be used to "juggle" opponents. Also has a "Nail Grenade" which is a grenade that is deployed, and shoots nails in every direction. Demoman: Can lay explosive "pipes" to be detonated at will. Also, timed pipes to detonate in around three seconds. Detpacks can be deployed as well, which can be set to either 5, 20 or 50 seconds. These are one of the most devistating explosions in the game, unless an opposing scout walks over the detpack to disarm it. Also has MIRVs, which is a grenade that explodes and deploys four micro grenades, which explode a few seconds after. Medic: Fast, medium-armored unit. Used namely for offense as a "Semi-powerhouse" offense. Able to take a few hits and keep going (As opposed to the Scout). Also has Concussion Grenades. HWGuy: Heaviest unit in the game. Has a giant Autocannon that fires essentially one shotgun round per shot. Takes a heck of a beating and keeps on eating the offense. Also has MIRVs. Pyro: Fire class. Has a firey version of the rocket launcher, and, you guessed it, a flamethrower. Also has Napalm grenades, which he drops to enflame an area for a good period of time. Immune to fire. Spy: Able to disguise as enemy or allied units (Any class), has a knife that, when used right, can be a one-hit kill vs any unit, including HWGuy. Also has Hallucination Grenades, which have an area effect which damages those nearby, and causes them to hallucinate exploves being thrown at them, as well as being shot at. Very disorienting. Engineer: Can build Sentry Guns, which can be upgraded to be one of the strongest defenses in the game. Also can build "Dispensers", which are small units which can be filled with 'metal' (A Engineer-specific element used for building), and, when touched, can 'dispense' ammo to allies. Also used as a powerful explosive. Essentially, this combination mixes together in a trillion different ways, making it a completely differnet game each time, as opposed to "You go left and shoot, I'll go right and shoot.", it could be "You conc up to the battlements, I'll go water. Conc past the HWGuy and Nailgun the SG. I'll pop up behind the Soldier and hit him with a few nades. We'll see who gets to the flag first." All I have to say is, give it a chance. Play it. (Note, not "Try it", because you can't get a feel for the game in any short period of time. Especially not alone.)