Best rock MIDI intro on an NES game EVER

User Rating: 4.5 | Target: Renegade NES
About the coolest part of this game, was the intro music. You could tell it was MIDI trying to be Metal. It was a catchy little piece and made the game seem like it was going to be REALLY COOL (back in those days). It's really not a great game at all. It's another spin off of double dragon. It is much more bland, no cool moves (just kick and punch, and a jumping attack cobo). Very weak for a game of its type. The graphics were surprisingly light and airy for the "street fighter" Tokyo back-ally brute that you're supposed to be.

Motorcycles blow up with a kick, bosses are unexciting... and the most disappointing part, the in-game music is nowhere as cool as the intro music. A sad let down in my opinion. This is one of those games I would consider "filler" to make your NES collection look bigger. People will read the title and say huh, never heard of that one... then read the next title without interest of playing.

If anything, get it for the intro music :-D