Lacks some key features that were in the first tales games, but the real time combat made it all better!

User Rating: 8 | Tales of Symphonia: Ratatosk no Kishi WII
First, I will say that I as of now, I have hardly ever played Tales of Symphonia. When I did play it, I played it with my brother, he was first player and I was second. So naturally I could only play during combat. I did not enjoy the fighting at all. I found it confusing.
Anyway, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a new World, is a solid, but short game that still brings you hours of enjoyment and fun new controls. When compairing its main story to the first tales of symphonia game's story, it is much shorter.
The game has multiple areas that will be same as in the other game, accept with updated graphics, which I liked alot. The game also has better attack animations and character animations. I also liked the voice acting alot.
In this game, you do gain party members threwout the game, but you will also lose them. Those party members (besides the two main characters of this game) have locked stats, meaning that they cannot gain levels, or have items equipted or removed them. They are only given the proper level to help you threw that part of the game. This is something that I found very dissapointing. If it werent for the great battle machanics, I would have given this game a much worse score.
The battles in this game are similar to the battles in first game, except, way way better! If the first game, you could kinda move freely around, accept only back and forth and locked onto an enimie. In Dawn of a New world, you can do much more than run back and forth while locked onto an enimie. You can also run freely around the battle scene and attack freely without being locked onto an enimie. You also have alot more attacks that you can do. Thanks to the Wiimote and numchuck, you can asign attacks to not only the buttons of the remote and numchuck, but also to the wiimotes different motion sensors. This is what got me to love Dawn of a New World, you could do so much in a battle without it being repetitive! That made me so happy. Thanks to this lack of repetitiveness, you could grind for hours without it starting to become boring.
Even though this game lacks freeroming mape and levelingup partymembers, that doesnt matter to me thanks to the combat. Also, I found that the first Tales of Symphonia game took too long thanks to the map. Dawn of a new world in realality, is a really great game should had been better recieved, but also to serve as a lesson to namco that they should also put extra enjoyful and meaningful content into their games. Which this game lacked unfortinately.