A good, free MMORPG that can entertain you for some hours.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tales of Pirates PC
The graphics were basicely quite good, with its flaws. Its then a shame that you can only see it in a tiny web-browser, which makes you distracted of other things.
The quests were also the same and got boring after a while. It isn't anything but going to another city to find a person, or kill 20 cactus's, but there is some exeptions but they are very rare.
The ship that you can buy later in the game was the only thing that i really liked. It was fun exploring the sea, discovering small islands and battle giant monsters. But nothing more.
You must also avoid strong creatures, mostly because if it kills you, you must spend tons of money to get it repaired.

Tales of Pirates is a repetive MMORPG, you dosen't really feel your coming further, and all the 3 starter places is the same, 1 city for each class and they all have the same. A dungeon, which you cant go in before level 20 if you don't want to die and a area with creeps with small pools sometimes.

Tales of Pirates is only fun to a limit. Tales of Pirates is old and there is lots of better free MMORPG's out there.