both lacks and improved with things from prevoius review for more....

User Rating: 8.4 | Tales of Legendia PS2
Okay lets start off the review right away!
Gameplay:Solid Tales Gameplay.Battles are twice as faster then in symphonia ,and you can link skills in anyway you want.Instead of Rheiards,you have to use Ducts..without ducts travel in the world map is very slow.Monsters appear randomly instead of you seeing it on the world map..You get a Climax Gauge instead of a unison attack gauge..Climax is like Hourglass..except you can use it anytime the gauge is full.if you have 4 charcters you can press L1 or L2(i forgot) you can end the climax with a climax combo...all 4 charcters hit the monster you were targeting and the charcter your using ends it with a large blow..if you press Climax Combo right away when entering climax mode,you will deal a lot of damage!although it is like a gamble since you might better off doing damage to the monster yourself instead of using climax combo..but Climax Combo might do more damage then your own bash of attacks...who knows? but before the climax can end right when the bar is about to disappear,you can do some but minor damage at the end of your combo by using climax combo...Most skits are acted,so it makes the story more engaging..The Story is pretty the beginning you start out in a boat in a huge storm..When a charcter gets K.Oed your TP disappears too..this makes it hard for the charcter to fight whenyou revive him/her.

Graphics:These graphics are by far,the most best and impressive graphics i have ever seen ever since Symphonia..These 3D Graphics make you Eres look cool and spells,espiscally Shooting Stars look very very great!Spells do not look very Symphonia,Spells looked incredibly strong...the Spells in this game look slightly weak..although they look cool when casted..Graphics are Great but they arent the best..Nontheless they are very good!

Sound:All the voices match every single charcter in the game!Senel,Chloe,and the others voices match their looks,and their personailty..The sound of hitting the enemy with an Eres or a Spell is pretty good,therefore making the sound effects good..

Value:I do value this game a whole lot since this game is the Sequel to Tales of Symphonia...Although Gameplay is a bit Inferior to Symphonia's gameplay,it makes up for sound and graphics!This game is still fun either way..

Tilt:I do not suggest this game to Newcomers of the Tales is not a good tales game to start at...i recommend starting at Symphonia,then playing this game...

The Good:Solid gameplay with incredible graphics..most skits are voiced making the humor of the story more good...Game is very quick,i mean in battles! when you fight in a will be pulling off skills at such a fast speed you wont even know whats going to happen!TP is regnerated at a much faster do not have to hit the enemy to get back tp manually..

The Bad:Monsters Randomly this game will be a huge test of patience...TP is reduced to 0 if a charcter is defeated...Gameplay is fast but not traveling in the world lacks the potential of what Symphonia had..