A Tales game gone in the wrong direction.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tales of Legendia PS2
This game really is somewhat dissapointing. Namco really messed up on this game. Instead of making improvements to the battle system, they used the old, 2D flat plane. I was really not happy about that. The game really aside from all the negativity actually is pretty good. The story in this game is excellent. Senel caught in between Shirley and Stella. Shirley being his step sister, and Stella the woman that Senel loves. Shirley chosen for an ancien ritual which is not good because she transforms into a monster. Senel and friends go out to save her. The dialogue in this game was good. Some of it though was funny :). The part I thought was really funny was when Grune said that she was not wearing underwear. I thought that part was hilarious! The characters in this game are awesome. My favorite character is Senel. I also liked Norma. The music is pretty good. The world map music is probably to me the best song. Overall, good Tales game, but gone in te wrong direction, cool characters, good music, solid story, funny dialogue.