Tales Of Legendia is a beautiful visual artwork, however it suffers an annoying gameplay and terrible voice acting.

User Rating: 6.7 | Tales of Legendia PS2
Tales of Legendia has an interesting story, beautiful visual style and an interesting soundtrack, sadly it lacks a dinamic and simple gameplay, the battle system resembles Tales Of Phantasia's which was not very well recieved by the audience because instead of a turn-based, strategy, or any of the traditional battle systems it has a fighting-ish ala street fighter battle system.

You can equip your characters with weapons and armor in a traditional way, but the techniques have to be also equipped, and in battle those are usable by combining the directional pad with the circle button, and the regular attack command is just the X button (turning it into a button masher)

Your other party members are automatically controlled with an very simple AI (which consists in just attacking the enemy and healing themselves).

The storyline is very boring at the beginning of the game, but later it has interesting twists and sittuations, the soundtrack is very modern and the concept itself is average.

Tales of Legendia is NOT by any means the best Tales Of ... game out there, but if you are a fan of the series or you are tired of traditional RPGs then this game is perfect.