I was disappointed when I finished this game. I got my hopes up thinking that it would be like Tales of Symphonia.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tales of Legendia PS2
The reason why I didn't like this game is because I had a high expectation of it. I bought it because the trailers were very interesting and I played Tales of Symphonia. What I didn't like about the game is that it didn't have a Co-op mode like Tales of Symphonia. I was disapointed by that fact, but I shouldn't have been expecting that from a PSP2 game. The character Shirley was very annoying, but at least the voice acting is decent. For me the characters were just... normal and not really lovable (if you know what I mean xD). Also the part when Senal yells "Steeeellllaa!!!!" , is that supose to be a joke? I mean they totally copied that one famous movie line and put it in a Tales game. And I thought it was very very very unusual to include a singing bit in the game. What I did like about the game are the little cut scenes. Those were always funny. Anyways this game is mediocre.