Such a beautiful and amazing game ... can't wait to see Tales of the Abyss come up next!

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Legendia PS2
Beautiful, beautiful game. Just plain beautiful. This game most certainly does NOT disappoint. It definately goes to show what the standards are for a great RPG: Fun, Fast, Easy to Learn, Interesting, and Innovative. Tales of Legendia has all of this and a bag of ... uh ... shiny things ^_^ The music is awesome, the graphics are very well suited for the game, the anime cutscenes are beautifully drawn, and the battle system is like a fighting game! Hopefully, seeing as many, many people loved Tales of Symphonia and will surely love this game as well, then maybe Tales of the Abyss and more future Tales Of games will be coming to North America and Europe sooner than we think! A great continuation of the Tales Of series!