Not the best "tales"game but certainly an enjoyable one ...

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Legendia PS2
This game is terrific .. not tryin to brag but i finished this game without dyin even once .. HAIL ME :-P .. all in all a good experience n d characters r charming .. a must for fans of d tales series .. even for any1 else who likes a different sort of rpg .. the only thin a lil annoyin bout this game is that there are a lot of battles and i mean a lot of battles .. but all it duz is get ur level up fer d boss battles .. so it is sort of betta if u get into a lot of fights .. those of you who hav not played the tales series to date shud really give this game a try .. its all about the fighting system .. its remarkable .. props to d guys who came up with this amazing concept .. sadly i think this will b d last tales game fer d ps .. the best thing about this game is tht it is long .. and u wont get bored of it either .. wat r u waiting for ... buy it !!!