SO yeah this game is Awesome

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Hearts (CG Movie Edition) DS
SO basically if you love the Tales Series of Games, then you will love this game.
Okay so I really only have one major issue... It's only available in Japan.
Okay that aside, this is a perfect Tales Game. From Characters, to battle system it is by far one of the best in the Series ((in my opinion))
SO lets do the run down real quick. You are Shing Meteoryte, a young cool guy trying to earn his father's respect by training hard to become good with your Soma ((weapon)) Then you find two people on the shore of your home town. WHO COULD THESE STRANGE PEOPLE BE. Well who ever they are they start you on your journey.
SO basically you just play the story from there on out. Meeting a whole slew of characters that you will most likely fall in love with like I did.
Now the battle system is probably one of the best i've played with in a RPG in a long time, it's a linear battle system with 3 characters you use. You have like a fatigue gauge, that runs out the more combo's you do, don't worry it replenishes it's self if you run around the battle field.
So basically the story for this game is seven different kinds of awesome, it really keeps you going and guessing with every little plot twist.
There were two versions of the game that were available. The Anime version and the CG version. I got the CG Version, mainly because it was new and exciting, I was really happy with the choice. The only differences in the games were the cut scenes. ((there were 8 of them))
The Graphics in the game were really good, it was hard to describe them out of battle, but in battle they were 2D characters running around basically. The character designs shown beautifully.
The game in total ((start to finish) took me about 41 hours. But that's also because at some parts i just ran around killing things. The world in the game is really big so sometimes it's fun to just go on a little monster killing spree to take away from the long travels.
So as you have probably guessed already I loved this game. I feel as though I'm forgetting something though in this review..... Oh now I remember the typical Begging