This is a very good game to play. But since i don't know Japanese it's hard to understand the storyline.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Hearts (CG Movie Edition) DS
This is a very good game!Tales of Hearts is a game worth buying. I played the Animated Movie Edition and it's so awesome!!!!! It's like watching a animated short. The Animated Movie Edition has very good graphics. First time on DS. But if you can't read Japanese, buy it! It's a good game even if you can't read Japanese. I don't have images yet so look at the images on The battles are on one lane so you can run up to the monsters and attack them. I'm still in the beginning kind-of. I'm really addicted to the game. I would play it for about 4 hours and it feels like 10 minutes. But still if it ever released in USA then buy it!! But i highly doubt it. If your family is going to Japan then look for Tales of Hearts for DS. It's my favorite of the Tales series. So if your a Tales Fan then you definitely have to buy this game!