If you LIKE Final Fantasy Tactics, then this game is a Must-Play! Srpg fans rejoice!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Tactics Ogre: Unmei no Wa PSP
I just want to make this review as short and as simple as possible. If you want an in depth review, read GS or ign or other gaming site.

This is a classic great game. Just as deep as FFTs and even more (multiple endings etc). If the remake on the ps1 was great, this one is the definitive version. It has data install option and the game loads pretty fast with almost no slow down. I love it and srpg fans for sure will love it too. I usually hate grinding, but unlocking class skills is pretty addicting.

The game has aged pretty good, and most of all, it's really perfect for the psp. Play anywhere anytime, as you go. You can play short bursts, when you go to the mall, ride on a bus, stuck shopping with your girlfriend/family. lol. You can save anytime too.

One feature in this game that I notice that's really cool, is the fact that you start 0 mp, and you gain mp little by little every turn. A really useful gameplay mechanic since you don't have to be afraid to use magic spells since it will be refilled anyhow.

It's really a great game, and the guy who made it just went back to squareenix just to remake this game along with most of the crew who did the original Tactics Ogre. How cool is that. This guy btw was also responsible for Vagrant Story and FF12 (though he left mid way).

Don't let this masterpiece slip you by especially for psp owners. You can maybe buy it later when it's in your price range, but srpg fans should buy this now! I'm glad I preordered this game since it came with those cool tarot cards.

I would've gave it a 10 but, people might think I'm biased hahahaha. It's really a 10 for me.