I'm having a blast,

User Rating: 10 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa PC
This game is awsome,I've never worked harder to advance,and never enjoyed it more.I like the way the game Devs try to stay on top of problems in the game,with on line game managers.They monitor the general chat and respond with in some cases with lightning speed.They also send out a follow up by e-mail,and if you had a problem with a GM or another player,they also want to know that.You don't have to put up with a self serving ,14 year old server manager with outrageous roe like BF 2 or 2142,and you you don't get bumped to let a server member come play.It's all central and constantly monitored.
Now as far as Graphics,there is,in my iew, only one real way to describe them,just flippin' unreal. I put this game in my puter on April 8 2008 and have played exclusively since then.I've tried several player roles and options allowed for my current level,and found my comfort zone so to speak.
If you were expecting a technical debreif,well sorry,I'm not qualified to comment in those terms.I'm 58 years old I'm having fun and I enjoy the interaction I have with other players that are on when I play.
As Walter would say,"and there you have it"