T2-The Arcade Game is a decent, nice FPS that will appeal more to those who were fans to the movie.

User Rating: 7.3 | T2: The Arcade Game SNES
What it's about: You play as the T-800 series model 101, A.K.A. "The Terminator". Your mission is to destroy all those who try to stand in your way of preventing the future. For those of you who havn't seen the movie, In the future consists of nothing but destruction, and killer machines that rule the majority of the planet. The main mission is to protect a young boy named John Conner who happans to be the only one that has the balls to stand up against the machines in the not too distant future. John is getting hunted by a T-1000, or as you may call him "Liquid Metal Man/Guy". If John dies then the future will not be a war, but it will be a slaughter, and the machines will rule it all.

My Thoughts: Boy does this game bring back memories when me and my big sister used to go to the arcade and dish out tons of tokens to play T2 and even with both of us playing, we still couldn't get past the first level. Well all thats over now thanks to ROMs and the power of game genies that make reviews so much faster to write. The difficulty of this game is large, the thing that makes this game much harder than it needs to be is the fact that all the shooting must be done with a SNES controller and not a super scope or anything like that. The game has missions in it that make the game last longer, but get you pissed off at the same time, such as the John Conner escort missions. You must escort the person through an army of machines before they are killed, sounds easier than it actually is, and those are the missions you'll be stuck on for a LONG time. The length is pretty average for a FPS with the levels seeming to be longer than the game itself. Each level can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes long, and isn't something people can stand in a 2-D SSFPS. The sound is good enough, the music fits the game and the sounds aren't too far from what you could except as the real thing. The controls are where you'll most likely have the most trouble as where you'll be aiming a crosshair around with a D-pad trying to shoot moving targets, one reason Arcade FPS should always stay in the arcade unless it supports an arcade like gun such as the Nintendo Super Scope, but since it doesn't, the controls are the worst thing about this game. The gameplay works with a point score given to you after each level based on varius things such as enemies killed, and time completed, but the fact that a controller must be used will probrably tie down the gameplay for you as well. The graphics aren't the best, but their not too far off. The game can be fun for some people, but for others they'll rather play it in the arcade, and the escort missions will probrably be the things that will make you turn the game off and turn on your X-Box or some other next-gen consol you may or may not own. I'll base the plot score on what I thought about the movie, which when I first watched when I was seven was a very good and horrifying story, but after looking into it now, the whole time travel bull **** is pretty radiculous, but the fact that robots are the ones doing it makes it even more radiculous then I ever thought when I was seven. T2-The Arcade Game is a decent, nice FPS that will appeal more to those who were fans to the movie, and since the movie won a few awards, I'm sure theres tons of you Terminator fans out there.