SO I have to push the X button real fast. Great. Always wanted to do that

User Rating: 9 | Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow PSP
I love this game. I really do. I even love the story (actually I don't know what the guys from this site have against it. I found it quite entertaining).

Let'y start with the good stuff. The graphics are the best I have seen on the PSP yet. The movement of the character looks perfect and the weapons and gadgets allow for different approches to each situation (I loved to blast single enemies with the taser. They can't get away, they can't shoot back. BUt sniping them is fun, too. Just don't electrocute somebody while playing in a crowded place, people will look at you in a funny way when there are screams coming out of your handheld).
The interface works well and I actually liked the default setting. I got used to it in dark mirror and I had no problem throughout the game (Although I still did not manage to kill Batar. But then, I only tried 4 times till now)

Now the bad. The button pushing sucks. I understand having to push combinations of puttons (rectangle, circle, rectangle, triangle, ...) but the ones where you have to push a single button in fast succession suck. Eventaually you are going to be fast enough. In the worst case (about ten times in the game for me) you have to put your PSP on a surface and use you indexfinger. But I don't see the point. It sure as hell does not improve the gameplay. There is even one place where you instantly die if you are not fast enough. SO you have to get it right 3 times in a row if you ever want to get the health medal. I'm already looking forward to that anger flash.

But apart from that it's the best game I've played on the PSP yet (together with Dark Mirror, The two are about equal)