that damn good

User Rating: 9.6 | Syphon Filter 2 (Platinum) PS
Syphon filter2 is the best syphon filter ever made it's a lot better then the first one and better then the third one

gameplay: there is a lot of smeaking mission on that game and let just say that the AI in that game is not top notch but back at that time it was just fun. the multiplayer was crazy fun. There is a lot of action when you are not sneaking around.

graphics: nothing special about the grahics they were ok

sound: the thecno music in syphon filter 2 for some reason that I can't explain i loved it. I even downloaded some of those music at that time. the msuic really goes well with the action, when nothing happen the music is more calm but the action arrive the music is more present then before