The best storyline ever in game play.

User Rating: 9 | Syberia PC
Playing as Kate Walker, an associate with the New York law firm of Marson and Lormont. She has been sent to finish a major business deal involving the Voralberg family who make mechanical toys, puppets, and automatons. The game controls are smooth and easy to use requiring only a mouse to point and click with and make this game a exciting and easy game experience. You enter a beautifully detailed world that lets you make discoveries that always stick with storyline. The game has a captivating story making this a wonderful game to play time after time, and like a good movie or book, one that you'll remember for a long time to come.

I really enjoyed the puzzles and characters of the game. The puzzles were thought provoking without being too hard and the characters were interesting and fun to talk with. All being said and done, I give this game an A+ and have to say it one of the best games I've ever played and leaves you wanting more of the same.